Know, Like, Trust Need Try, Buy, Repeat, Refer
Know, Like and Trust need the supporting steps of Try, Buy, Repeat and Refer in order to build a full and complete experience. These are the steps described in the Duct Tape Marketing Hourglass, but each one describes a touch point for your prospects and clients. At each step, the person is deciding whether or not to continue the relationship and purchase or not. If a business skips steps in anticipation of a Buy, the experience will become broken and the client will feel as if they are being rushed into a decision.Getting through Know, Like and Trust is also not the Indy 500. It can take a combination of different tactics at each stage to fully complete each step. For example, Know is just a matter of visibility. It isn't just one print ad or brochure. Getting through Know may take that plus a direct mail piece or a company mention at a local networking meeting.