Know, Like, Trust Need Try, Buy, Repeat, Refer
Know, Like and Trust need the supporting steps of Try, Buy, Repeat and Refer in order to build a full and complete experience. These are the steps described in the Duct Tape Marketing Hourglass, but each one describes a touch point for your prospects and clients. At each step, the person is deciding whether or not to continue the relationship and purchase or not. If a business skips steps in anticipation of a Buy, the experience will become broken and the client will feel as if they are being rushed into a decision.Getting through Know, Like and Trust is also not the Indy 500. It can take a combination of different tactics at each stage to fully complete each step. For example, Know is just a matter of visibility. It isn't just one print ad or brochure. Getting through Know may take that plus a direct mail piece or a company mention at a local networking meeting.
Like takes the customer further along the relationship with a content rich website, the initial experience of engaging your company and other content like an email newsletter. It can take several more activities to go through this step.
Trust is achieved when a prospect or customer takes in more content that you publish through white papers, social media and presentations. The customers can watch your business demonstrate its expertise and learn more about what makes you stand out from the competition.
Know, Like, Trust Can’t Be Rushed
So you can see even just in the first steps of Know, Like and Trust there are a series of activities and interactions that need to take place in order to get through each one. The higher the risk, the longer it takes to go through the steps. If you're buying a pretzel rod, you can plunk down a quarter without worrying about Know, Like and Trust. But if you're buying a $50,000 hot rod, you better believe I want to trust the guy from whom I'm buying it.It doesn't happen with a single Pay Per Click campaign or a redesigned website. It builds as you nurture the customer through their buying decision. While each activity builds on the last, no step can be neglected or rushed. As a business, it essential is to build a relationship and educate your prospect or customer. By taking the time to fully engage your customer, you are creating a lasting foundation that goes well beyond Know, Like and Trust.
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